Receive Oakley Public Notices to your Inbox

To receive Oakley City notices to your Inbox, please follow these instructions to become a subscriber to the Utah Noticing site.

  1. Go to
  2. On right side of page, click on "Search"
  3. Enter Oakley in the Entity Name and hit Submit.
  4. Scroll down and you will see the notices from Oakley City.  
  5. Click on a notice from one of the "Public Bodies."  * Oakley City has 3 public bodies - Oakley City Council, Oakley Planning Commission, and Oakley Rodeo Committee.
  6. Once you are seeing the notice, at the bottom, you will see a "Subscribe by Email" section.  Fill in your information to receive notices from that public body.
  7. NOTE - you will need to repeat steps 5 and 6 for each of the public bodies that you wish to subscribe to.

Thank you for staying informed!