**2025 Rodeo Ticket Information - Updated 3/04/2025**



To assist our patrons with their ticketing and attendance plans please note the ticketing availability as of end of business MONDAY3/3/2025:

  • Wednesday July 2nd, 2025 - SOLD OUT
  • Thursday July 3rd, 2025 - SOLD OUT 
  • Friday July 4th, 2025 - SOLD OUT
  • Saturday July 5th, 2025 - SOLD OUT
  • Monday July 7th, 2025 - XTREME BULLS Seating available in all sections. 

For a map of the arena please Oakley Rodeo Arena Map





Oakley City Residents (see boundary map below):  February 24th - 27th    IN PERSON

                                                                                            Noon - 6 PM

                                                                                            Must show proof of residency - Oakley City water/sewer bill, Property Tax Statement that lists Oakley City under Tax Levy                                                                                              Detail portion, etc.

                                                                                            **You MUST fall within the black dotted line on the map to qualify as an Oakley resident.


General Public (outside of Oakley City limits):  March 3rd - 6th (Mon.-Thurs.)    IN PERSON

                                                                                    March 10th - 13th (Mon.-Thurs.)    IN PERSON

                                                                                    8 AM - 4:30 PM (Office Hours)

                                                                                   **General Public includes residents of Peoa, Marion, Weber Canyon (past Pinion), Kamas, Francis, Woodland, and beyond.....


Tickets will go online:  March 17th @ 12:00 PM    

                                          You can go online or place a phone order with us at this time.