Receive Oakley Public Notices to your Inbox
To receive Oakley City notices to your Inbox, please follow these instructions to become a subscriber to the Utah Noticing site.
- Go to
- On right side of page, click on "Search"
- Enter Oakley in the Entity Name and hit Submit.
- Scroll down and you will see the notices from Oakley City.
- Click on a notice from one of the "Public Bodies." * Oakley City has 3 public bodies - Oakley City Council, Oakley Planning Commission, and Oakley Rodeo Committee.
- Once you are seeing the notice, at the bottom, you will see a "Subscribe by Email" section. Fill in your information to receive notices from that public body.
- NOTE - you will need to repeat steps 5 and 6 for each of the public bodies that you wish to subscribe to.
Thank you for staying informed!